double coset of AGL(4) \ S(16) / AGL(4)

We reports the numerical experiments related to the classification of the permutation of GF(2)^4 and applications to the classification of Boolean bent functions of Maiorana type. A joint work, with Alexander Polujan.


Let m be a positive integer. The group AG(2,m) x AG(2,m) acts over the group of permutation permutations of the space GF(2)^m. We denote by R( m ) the number of double coset the action :

coset(f) = { L o f o R | where L, R are in AGL( m ).

class number table

The affine group AGL(m) is small, the permutation group S(m) is large whence the class number R(m) is veryhuge !
m 1 2 3 4 5
R(m) 1 1 4 302 2569966041123963092
Class numbers of AGL(m) \ S(2^m) / AGL(m)

Theses values appear in the article Affinity of permutations of F2n by Xiang-Dong Hou. Note that the value of R(5) is misprinted in the paper, and just for fun we give :

R(6) = 76230976900860740792605252293646252383143627390965685153124757864...

orbit representatives

Following X.-D. Hou's methode, it is not difficult to determine a representative set of the double coset for the dimension m=4 :
[ pi-class-4.txt ]


A pair (L,R) in AGL(m) stabilizes the permutation f
L o f o R = f iff f o R o f-1 = L
these pairs form a subgroup of AGL(m,2) x AGL(m,2) with the law (L,R) (L',R') = ( L'L,RR'). For each R corresponds at most one L. We define the stabilizer of f :
stab( f ) := { R ∈ AGL(m,2) | f o R o f-1 ∈ AGL(m,2)

Maiorana bent functions

For an arbirary permutation pi of GF(2)^m, and for an arbitrary Boolean function g in B(m) the Boolean function of 2m variables

MMF : (x,y) mapsto < x, pi(y) > + g(y)
is a Boolean bent function.

Let us consider the action of (A, R) with A ∈ GL(m,2) and R∈ AGL(m,2) on MMF :

MF( x, y ) o (A,R) = < A(x), π ( R(y)) > + g( R(y) ) = < x, A* o π o R(y) > + g( R(y) )

where A* is the adjoint of A .

we can add any linear function < x, v > without changing the affine class :
MF( x, y ) ≡ < x, L o π o R (y) > + g( R(y) )
where L is the composition of A* by a tanslation v.


[ stabiliser.txt ]


The affinity of a permutation pi is the number of 2-flats x, y z, t such that x + y + z + t = 0 and f(x)+f(y)+f(z)+f(t) = 0. The affinity of an APN permutation is equal to zero. We confirm Hou's affinity table :
[ table.txt ]


For each permutation pi in TT format, we compute the action of stablizer(pi) on the space B(2,2,4), orbit representives are listed in ANF format.
[ preclass.txt ]


[ todo:classification.txt ]

all files

[ data ]

Philippe Langevin,
last modifiication : autumn 2023.