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The phase modulation and amplitude modulation allow to transmit symbols which are zero or roots of the unity. The autocorrelation function of a sequence $s$ of period $v$ is
\begin{displaymath}s\times s(\tau) =\sum_{i=1}^v s_{i+\tau}\,s^\ast_i\end{displaymath}

$x^\ast$ the conjugate of $x$.
The sequence $s$ is perfect if
\begin{displaymath}s\times s(\tau)=\begin{cases}v, &\text{if $\tau=0 \mod v$;}\\0, &\text{else.}\end{cases}\end{displaymath}
[R. Turyn, 1965] For $4<v\leq 12100$, there is no $\pm 1$ perfect sequences.
    sequences with small correlations are known : maximal sequences, Legendre sequences...

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Philippe Langevin