Classification of RM(4,7)/RM(2,7)
This page reports a numerical experiment related to the classification of RM(4,7) modulo RM(2,7). Done on 26th January 2012, the running time for this job was about one day, using 32 giga octets of memory. From this data, one can probably derive the classification of near-bent function in seven variables and the number of bent functions in eight variables.
Let m be a positive integer. The space of Boolean functions from GF(2)^m into GF(2) is denoted by RM(k,m). This notation comes from coding theory, it is the Reed-Muller code of order k in m variables. The affine group AG(2, m) acts over the spaces RM(k,m), and thus on RM(k,m)/RM(s,m) when s<=k. Two Boolean functions f and g are said to be equivalent modulo RM(k, m) if there exists an affine transformation A in AG(2,m) such that
The affine group has order :
it can be generated by three transformations : the shift S, a transvection T and a nontrivial translation U. The affine group acts over RM(k,m) and also over RM(k,m)/RM(s,m). A formula for the rank n( m, s, t) of the action of AG(2,m) over RM(t,m)/RM(s-1,m) ( 0 <= s <=t ) was determined by Xiang-Dong Hou,
AGL(m, 2) Acting on R(r, m)/R(s, m), journal of algebra 171/3 (1995) It satisfies :The main objective of this numerical experiment is to provide the datas corresponding to the classification of RM(4,7)/RM(2,7), by Hou formula, we know there are n(7,3,4) = 68433 classes.