Counting Boolean functions of degree 4
Counting Bent functions
Intercorrelation of pair of sequences with nobody
Conjecture of Patterson & Wiedemann with Julien Bringer
Weight distribution of RM(3,10) with Eric Brier
Quadratic Gauss sums, with O. Mbodj.
Sequences of type 2-1, with C. Boursier.
H-codes and derivations, with X.-D. Hou
On two-weight irreducible cyclic codes
WCC 5, with Yves Aubry
Exponential sums and Boolean functions,
bfca 05, Rouen, with J. Bringer, V. Gillot
Classification of Boolean cubic forms of nine variables,
IEEE-Workshop, with Eric Brier
Around the counter example of Paterson and Wiedemann,
Finite Fields, with J.-P. Zanotti
Z4-duadic Codes, with P. Solé
Gauss sums over quasi-Frobenius rings, Finite Fields, withP. Solé
Les sommes de caractères et la formule de Poisson dans la théorie des codes,
séquences et fonctions booléennes. Mémoire d'habilitation à diriger des recherches.
Weight of abelian codes. Designs, Codes and Cryptography.
Fonction booléennes équilibrés (ii), Technical Report., with P. Véron and J.-P. Zanotti.
Kernels and defaults. Finite Fields 5, with P. Solé.
Sur un théorème de Delsarte et McEliece , Research Report I3S.
Sommes de gauss sur un anneau local, Research Reprort I3S.
Construction of almost perfect sequences., prc-math-info.
Some sequences with good autocorrelation properties, Finite Fields 3.
Regular section groups, Finite Fields.
Linear codes with balanced weight distribution, AAECC, with J.-P. Zanotti.
A new class of two weight codes, Finite Fields 4.
Calcul de certaines sommes de gauss, JNT.
Fonction booléennes équilibrés (ii), Technical Report., with J.-P. Zanotti.
Results on bent functions. JCT, with X.-D. Hou.
The covering radius of r(1,9) in r(3,9). Eurocode 90.
On the orphans and covering radius of the reed-muller codes, AAECC 9.
Rayon de recouvrement des codes de Reed-Muller affines, PhD thesis.