Talks and Conferences
of Philippe Langevin
- normality of quartics
Langevin, Philippe
Selmer Center Dubrovnik, Croatie ( september 2024 )
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- Classification of RM(6,8)/RM(4,8)
Gillot, Valérie and Langevin, Philippe
finite field and their Application Paris , France ( june 2023)
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- Covering Radius of RM(4,8) Reed-Muller code
Gillot, Valérie and Langevin, Philippe
Marseille, France ( march 2023)
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- Classification of Boolean Functions
Gillot, Valérie and Langevin, Philippe
Boolean Functions and their Application Balestrand, Norway ( september 2022)
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- MacWilliams Extension Theorem for Lee Weight Isometries
Langevin, Philippe
Noncommutative rings and their applications V Lens, France ( june 2017)
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- Domaine des Codes
Langevin, Philippe
Journées Scientifiques de l'Université de Toulon Toulon, France ( Avril 2016)
invité, vulgarisation
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- Extension Property of The Lee Metric
Langevin, Philippe
Yet Another Cryptography Conference Porquerolles ( june 2016)
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- Factorisation Quantique
Langevin, Philippe
Journées Scientifiques de l'Université de Toulon Toulon, France ( Avril 2015)
invité, vulgarisation
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- Proof of a Conjectured Three-Valued Family of Weil Sums of Binomials
Langevin, Philippe
Worshop in Crypography and Coding Theory Paris, France ( Avril 2015)
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- propriété d’extension de la métrique de Lee
Langevin, Philippe
invité, séminaire CCA Paris ( Novembre 2015)
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- New Open Problems Related to Old Conjectures by Helleseth
Langevin, Philippe
Boolean Functions and Applications Rosendal, Norway ( September 2014)
invited speaker
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- On a Conjecture of Helleseth
Aubry, Yves and Langevin, Philippe
CAI 2013 Porquerolles ( September 2013)
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- On Helleseth Conjecture
Langevin, Philippe
AGCT 2011 Marseille ( june 2011)
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- Power Permutation in Dimension 32
Langevin, Philippe
SETA 2010 Paris ( September 2010)
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- Gauss sums over finite rings
Philippe Langevin  (invited speaker)
Ecole internationale : Codes over finite rings CIMPA-METU Ankara, Turquie ( Aout 2008)
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- Classification of Boolean quartic forms in eight variables
Langevin, Philippe and Leander, Gregor
Boolean Functions in Cryptology anf Information Security NATO Advanced Study Institute Moscou, Russie ( September 2007)
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- On a Conjecture of Dobbertin
Langevin, Philippe and Leander, Gregor
SAGA IML Papeete, France. ( May 2007)
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- Testing main conjectures related to power functions
Langevin, Philippe and Leander, Gregor  (invited speaker)
BFCA-07 LIAFA Paris, France. ( May 2007)
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- On the number of bent functions with 8 variables
Langevin, Philippe and Rabizzoni, Patrice and V\'eron, Pascal and Zanotti, Jean-Pierre
BFCA'06 Rouen (2006)
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- Correlation of Sequences
Philippe Langevin  (invited speaker)
Ecole internationale : suites pseudo-al\'eatoires CIMPA Manille, Philippines ( juillet 2005)
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- Monomial bent functions
Langevin, Philippe and Leander, Gregor
AGCT-10 IML Marseille, France. ( September 2005)
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- Exponential sums and Boolean functions
Bringer, Julien and Gillot, Val\'erie and Langevin, Philippe
BFCA'05 Rouen (2005)
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- Cyclic codes with few different weights
Aubry, Yves and Langevin, Philippe
AGCT-10 IML Marseille, France. ( September 2005)
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- On the weight of irreducible cyclic codes
Aubry, Yves and Langevin, Philippe
Workshop on Coding Theory and Cryptography Bergen, Norway. ( March 2005)
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- The classification of boolean cubics of nine variables.
Brier, Eric and Langevin, Philippe
2003 IEEE Information Theory Workshop "La Sorbonne", Paris, France (2003)
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- Classification of boolean cubics of 9 variables.
Langevin, Philippe
Arithmetique et Combinatoire Luminy, France (2002)
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- Corr\'elations et s\'equences
Langevin, Philippe
Joun\'ees Codes et Cryptographie ALP-C2 Marseille, France. (2002)
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- Nonlinearity of power functions
Langevin, Philippe
yacc-02 GRIM Porquerolles, France (2002)
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- About the counter-example of Patterson et Wiedeman
Langevin, Philippe
Fq6 Finite Fields and Applications Oaxaca, Mexico. ( june 2001)
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- Non-linearity of power functions
Langevin, Philippe  (invited speaker)
AGCT-8 IML Luminy, France (2001)
Conf\'erencier invit\'e.
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- Gauss sums over quasi-frobenius rings.
Langevin, Philippe and Sol\'e, Patrick
Fq5 Finite Fields and Applications Augsburg, Allemagne (2000)
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- Gauss Sums over Quasi-Frobenius Rings
Langevin, Philippe
FQ5 Augsburg, August 2-16 1999, Germany (1999)
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- On Generalized Bent Functions
Langevin, Philippe
Designs, Sequences and their correlations BadWindsheim, aout 1998 (1998)
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- Kernel and Default
Langevin, Philippe
Fourth International Conference on Finite Fields and Applications FQ4 Waterloo, Canada, August (1997)
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- A new class of two weight codes
Langevin, Philippe
finite field and their Application Fq3 Glasgow , England ( july 1995)
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- covring radius of RM(1,9) into RM(3,9)
Langevin, Philippe
Eurocode 90 Udine, Italy ( july 1990)
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- Invariant for the classication Boolean function quotient
Langevin, Philippe
seminaire iaa Toulon ( November 2022)
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- Conjecture de Patterson Wiedemann (K.-U. Schmidt)
Langevin, Philippe
seminaire iaa Toulon ( November 2021)
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- Problèmes ouverts extraits de la table des codes
Langevin, Philippe
seminaire iaa Toulon ( Mars 2018)
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- Deux Determinants
Langevin, Philippe
seminaire CCA Paris ( Decembre 2015)
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- Algorithme sur les graphes et somme exponentielles
Langevin, Philippe
sem. iaa imath Toulon (Octobre 2014)
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- Fonction courbe et semicourbe
Langevin, Philippe
sem. iaa. imath Toulon (Printemps 2014)
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- New open questions realted to old conjectures by Tor Helleseth
Langevin, Philippe
sem. iaa imath Toulon ( september 2014)
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- Factorisation Quantique
Langevin, Philippe
Groupe de Travail en Physique Mathematique de Toulon Toulon (2012)
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- Stabilisateur Quantique
Langevin, Philippe
Groupe de Travail en Physique Mathematique de Toulon Toulon (2012)
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- Counting bent functions
Langevin, Philippe
Imath (Toulon), maaticah (Paris) (2008)
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- S\'equences de type 2-1
Langevin, Philippe
\'equipe ATI (IML) (1999)
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- Somme de Gauss sur un Anneau de Local
Langevin, Philippe
Lab. GECT (1998)
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- Sur un Th\'eor\`eme de McEliece et Delsarte
Langevin, Philippe
\'equipes ATI (IML), PACOM (I3S) (1998)
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- Somme de Gauss sur un Anneau de Local
Langevin, Philippe
Lab. GECT (1998)
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- Les Fonctions Courbes
Langevin, Philippe
\'Equipe PACOM, I3S Nice (1997)
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